Monday, 6 August 2012

Dinner Dinner Dinner (:

This year, I'm letting go the post as the president of Interact's Club, SMK Kidurong :')

If you can recognise me, TEEHEE (:

Well, we sure have fun that night :)
With "ma girls" around me, it's such a wondeful night. Will never poget it tho :D

Yea, I know, my face so EPIC FAIL :p
Haha, but Lovint this picture. Thanks Aileen for all the pictures.
Muah Muah :)

Woohoo, GLASS TOASTING TIME. Somehow, this event is gonna be a memory to treasure. Thanks Lord for everything (:

#With Elfera, Felicity, Abigail, Aileen, Valeria, Shanty, Charles n others (:


Lee Chong Wei, hero of Malaysia. He was the first to gain a medal for Malaysia for Olimpik 2012.

Although he got Silver medal, but the whole nation of Malaysia are very proud of him because of his hard work.

When I saw he fell on his knees after the match, somehow, felt really sad for him. But yet, Imma proud of this man. You inspired us, LCW <3

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Meet Mel (:

This is my best best best pretty gorgeous friend, MEL:-)

She have always been on my side for 4 years. She's the one who always cheer me up and
help me up with everything.

Indeed, I am grateful to be gifted a great friend like Mel. Haaa:D

We've been lotsa experiences together and the best so far is SANTUBONG Trip. Woohoo:)

I'm really happy for every moments I spend with ma best felend (:

Saturday, 4 August 2012

I got a friend

Haha, I got a friend. His name is AUL :)
He's a great friend. He always make me smile:D

Even when I dont feel like smiling, He can make me laugh O:

Uiitt, if you're reading this AUL, I want you to know that Im really
happy that you're a part of my life.
Thank you for always and always making me smile
and laugh non-stop x)